Design Computation is a free platform for all knowledge related to computational design, creativity cognition & digital fabrication.

Semantic Wiki

The wiki aims to organize and semantically cross-link the knowledge related to the many kinds of design computation and adjacent technologies, including data science, artificial intelligence, simulation and computer supported collaboration.


We run regular meetings and workshops on a number of topics. Please subscribe to our mailing list and keep in touch. You can also join our GitHub and Zotero groups. Please see [Connect].

If you would like to become an editor, please let us know on the contact form.


The project was initiated by Dr. Abel Maciel in collaboration with academia and industry.


Design Computation Input/Output Conference

Design Computation Input/Output Conference, or simply DC I/O, has the premise that computational design methods should benefit from the scientific method and, whenever possible, be cross-referenced in the many disciplines of design to evolve and diversify the field.

The way DC I/O is organised aims to assist in the understanding of the physical and digital relationships of producing design. It focuses on the many channels to capture the data necessary to inform design, the processes – natural and/or digital – of articulating this data input to accomplishing design, and outcomes of these processes as artifacts and references of study in the domain of computational design.

The conference papers are peer-reviewed and published in an annual volume. They include the classic structure of a literature review, hypothesis, methodology, and conclusion. However, they also give particular emphasis to the structured statement of the computational method used and how this method represents a progression in the field of research. Conference proceedings are ISBN published in an annual volume.